With very good photographic eye. Always quality work.
Co.Mo designJewelry Artist
Working with Elina was so much fun! We had a couple of sessions together - both photo and video for my music project. During all of them, she was 200% dedicated to getting the best outcome. She offered a lot of creative initiative, however, she was also open to my suggestions. Elina not only took pictures and videos for me but also provided me with outfits and accessories. She even designed one costume specifically for our session! I am looking forward to working with her again and would recommend it to everyone, who would like photo sessions with a magical twist!
Elina is passionate, and creative, and knows how to capture the essence of her subject. She is a pleasure to work with - artistically and professionally.
Terry McDonaldMusician
Olen Elinat korduvalt tellinud oma bändist ja üritustest pilte tegema ning temaga on alati mõnus koostööd teha. Väga professionaalne suhtumine ja tore inimene, pildid on kvaliteetsed ja vajadusel väga loomingulised. Soovitan!
I booked Elina for my band and events multiple times, and she is always a pleasure to work with. Very professional attitude and good person. Quality images and if need also creative. Recommend!
Tuuli PruulMusician
Elina töötas festivali 10-liiikmelises fototiimis, kelle ülesandeks oli jäädvustada festivali tähtsamaid hetki. Töö oli väga vastutusrikas ning ta sai sellega suurepäraselt hakkama. Samuti oli ta abiks jooksvate ülesannete lahendamisel. Eline on väga kohusetundlik ja täpne. Tal on lai silmaring ja hea teadmine disainivaldkonnas toimuvast. Ootamatutes olukordades sai ta väga hästi hakkama ja toimis vastutustundlikult ja loovalt. Kolleegidega sai ta hästi läbi ja oli hea meeskonnatöötaja, avatud ja lõbus suhtleja.
Kirke TatarTallinn Design Festival
I'm just glad to have met a very talented photographer, artist and human being, Elina! You have created a very comfortable atmosphere in all of our sessions, your creativity and the way you instantly capture the right moment to let the photo transmit the feeling are fantastic. Everything was settled as the way of your imagination flows in your soul. Definitely truly a professional. You really made my experiences memorable. Thank you for capturing those special moments.
Georgina Balboa PacoEntrepreneur
We liked everything! The photos were exactly as we wanted. Thank you. We will return for the next shoot.